Senin, 10 Desember 2012

when "Dare to Wear" begun

2 month ago i make title for my new collections, may be some people would curious why i named this collections "Dare to Wear". That what i want to make people curiousity about this collections.

Let's talks about the materials, this is da basic of this collections. i made this piece of necklace from unusual materials. from what? of course it's rings, but what kind of rings i used? hmmm let's people guess :D. This materials, i think it's easy to people notice, but ok let's picture speak make sure hehehe

This is first necklace from the album "Dare to Wear" unfinished

Before i launched this necklace, I put it on and wait for a response when people seen it. and without expectation, people started aware about my necklace n was curious about the materials. some people surprize about the materials. Coz the response from my friends there's more confident ii me, so i made the necklace more with variety of colors.
n it is.........

i like the rings especialy this rings, i like the character of this rings unique and i can make everything that i want from this materials. i hope my customers would like too.
 for more collections u can visit this page ==>

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